Passions for our tortured planet
A musical movement to support the environment
About the movement
With the increasing buildup of greenhouse gases across the planet, we are threatened with a climate crisis whose long-term impact is greater than world wars, political unrest or the coronavirus pandemic.
There is a heat wave of historic proportions occurring in the Arctic right now, a region that is already the fastest warming place on Earth. With the warming of the planet, huge glaciers are melting in the Arctic and Antarctica and, with that, sea levels are expected to rise between 10 and 32 inches (26 and 82 centimeters) or higher by the end of the century. This will also cause a reduction of drinking water, since glaciers store about three-quarters of the world's freshwater, and are melting into the salt-water ocean.
Climate change is also causing radical shifts in global precipitation. Some areas of the planet are seeing an increased intensity of rainfall, with hurricanes and other storms becoming more intense, stronger.
Some other regions are experiencing severe drought, causing vast wildfires as we saw recently with the blazes across most of Australia, Brazil and increasingly see in the United States. Without addressing the root-causes of carbon emissions, large parts of the U.S. face a higher risk of decades-long "megadroughts" by 2100.
To bring further awareness to this danger that—in the end—will impact all citizens of this earth, I have composed “Three Passions for our Tortured Planet” for solo piano which focuses on three areas of climate change.
It is my hope that my work as part of this will play a role in continuing to bring further awareness and dialog around climate change, and our need to act quickly.
100% of proceeds collected in royalties from this project are donated to the Union of Concerned Scientists to support their programs.
Join the movement
You can join in the movement to bring awareness to the issue of climate change through music by joining pianists from around the world in spreading the message through inclusion of the work on your recital programs, audio and video recordings, wherever you feel can support the movement! Sign up to be an Artist of Change — you’ll then be able to download the score and demo.
Word is spreading
Recent Performances
3/22/25 — Vasilisa Bogorodskaya — 1:00 pm, Gnessin Russian Academy of Music, Bolshaya Ordynka street 27/6 building 1, Moscow, Russia
3/16/25 — Mirjam Waser — 6:00 pm, Jugendstil-Festhalle, Udenheimer Str. 3, 76661 Philippsburg, Germany
3/13/25 — Amy I-Lin Cheng — 7:30 pm, Kerrytown Concert House, 415 N 4th Ave, Ann Arbor, MI 48104, USA
2/24/25 — Yerin Kim — 7:00 pm — Arizona State University Tempe, 1151 S Forest Ave, Tempe, AZ, USA
2/20/25 — Jung-Won Shin — 2:00 pm, Berry College, 2277 Martha Berry Hwy, Mt Berry, GA 30149, USA
2/17/25 — Jung-Won Shin — 1:15 pm, Weber Music Hall, University of Minnesota, 1049 University Dr, Duluth, MN 55812, USA
2/10/25 — Yerin Kim — 7:00 pm — University of Gainesville, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA
1/30/25 — Jung-Won Shin & Kumiko Shimizu — 1:40 pm, Bologna Performing Arts Center, Delta State University, Highway 8 West, Cleveland, MS 38733, USA
12/2/24 — Francesca Khalifa — 6:30 pm, Saint John’s in the Village, 218 W 11th St, New York, NY 10014, USA
11/18/24 — Kseniia Vokhmianina — 8:00 pm, Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre, 1 Straits Blvd, 018906, Singapore
11/15/24 — Insubria Chamber Orchestra String Quartet — 9:00 pm, Sala del Bello Comune di Sumiago, Varese, Italy
9/30/24 — Giulia Di Stefano, Giulia Miceli, Chiara Schmidt — 7:00 pm, Mozarteum University Salzburg, Mirabellplatz 1, 5020 Salzburg, Austria
9/26/24 — Kay Kyung Eun Kim — 7:30 pm, Gimhae Cultural Center, 225, Bunseong-ro, Gimhae, South Korea
9/22/24 — Yilin Duan — recording
8/27/24 — Kay Kyung Eun Kim — 7:45 pm, Grand Ballroom, Sono Belle, Cheonon, 200 Jonghaphyuyangji-ro, Seongnam-myeon, Dongnam-gu, Cheonan-si, Chungcheongnam-do, South Korea
8/18/24 — Xuanshan Cai — recording
8/11/24 — Fabrizio Datteri & Nadia Lencioni — 8:30 pm, Church of Tofori, Capannori, località Tofori, Via Tofori, 55012 Capannori LU, Italy
8/6/24 — Shujing Liu — recording
7/29/24 — Chiara Schmidt — Dirndl Mountain, Austria
6/18/24 — Cacie Miller — 8:30 pm, Experimental Sound Studio, 5925 N Ravenswood Ave, Chicago, IL 60660, USA
5/27/24 — Mina Perry — recording
5/26/24 — Ana Habruk — 8:30 pm, Molfetta Diocesan Museum, via Entica della Chiesa, 70056, 70056 Molfetta BA, Italy
5/18/24 — Chiara Schmidt — 8:30 pm, Piano City Milano, Heracles Gymnasium, Via Padova 21, Milan, Italy
5/4/22 — Beyza Yazgan — 7:30 pm, Chelsea Loft, 22 Street, New York, NY, USA
4/28/24 — Cacie Miller — 8:30 pm, Constellation, 3111 N Western Ave, Chicago, IL, 60618, USA
4/21/22 — Beyza Yazgan — 2:00 pm, First Presbyterian Church of East Hampton, 120 Main Street, East Hampton, NY, 11937, USA
4/16/24 — Kay Kyung Eun Kim — 8:00 pm, Ilshin Hall, 98 Hannam-daero, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, South Korea
4/12/24 — Cacie Miller — 12:00 pm, McAninch Arts Center, 425 Fawell Blvd, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137, USA
4/12/24 — Byron Hue — 7:00 pm, Bösendorfer Salon, Canovagasse 4, A - 1010, Vienna, Austria
2/22/24 — Monica Ferrigno — 5:30 pm, Giriot Concert Hall, Vilnius School of Music, Karklėnų g. 9, Vilnius, Lithuania
2/13/24 — Audrey Puschinsky — 7:30 pm, Clarke Recital Hall, University of Miami, 5501 San Amaro Dr, Coral Gables, FL 33146, USA
2/2/24 — Kay Kyung Eun Kim — 11:00 am, Steinway Piano Gallery, 25 Banpo-daero, 서초3동 Seocho-gu, Seoul, South Korea
2/1/24 — Yifei Xu — 6:00 pm, St. Paul's Chapel, Columbia University, 1160 Amsterdam Ave, New York, NY 10027, USA
1/28/24 — Benjamin Kopp — 7:30 pm, TLC Theater, 419A Windsor Rd, Baulkham Hills NSW 2153, Australia
1/19/24 — Tracy Wong — recording
1/19/24 — Jianing Sun — recording
1/18/24 — Eunsu Kim — 8:00 pm, Auer Hall, Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University, 200 Jordan Ave, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA
1/16/24 — Olga Jegunova — 8:30 pm, Salle Cortot,78 Rue Cardinet,75017, Paris, France
1/13/24 — Élise Richard — 7:30 pm, Centre Musical International de Roussigny, 72320 Saint-Ulphace, France
1/5/24 — Kay Kyung Eun Kim — recording
12/23/23 — Shidi Wang — recording
12/22/23 — Ana Habruk — 7:00 pm, Chiesa del Purgatorio, Via Alfonso Giovine, 1, 72017 Ostuni BR, Italy
12/16/23 — Ana Habruk — 7:30 pm, Chiesa Sant'Angelo, Via S. Angelo, numeri 3/5, 70043 Monopoli BA, Italy
12/16/23 — Olga Jegunova — recording
12/15/23 — Rui Yun Lee — 7:30 pm, Bach Recital Hall, Minquan W Rd, 53號B1, Taipei City, 10491, Taiwan
12/4/23 — Peizhi Zhang — 1:30 pm, Zhejiang Conservatory of Music, 1 Zheyin Road, Zhuantang Street, Xihu District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China 310024
11/30/23 — Letian Yu — recording
11/29/23 — Samanza Hussain — 7:00 pm, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, 100 Renfrew St, Glasgow G2 3DB, United Kingdom
11/29/23 — Ugnė Grinkevičiūtė — 7:00 pm, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, 100 Renfrew St, Glasgow G2 3DB, United Kingdom
11/11/23 — Jiayu Lu — recording
11/10/23 — Yang Wang — 7:00 pm, Nanshan Cultural and Sport Centre, Changxing Rd, Shenzhen, China, 518056
11/7/23 — Oda Voltersvik — 7:00 pm, Dickinson State University, 291 Campus Dr, Dickinson, ND 58601, USA
11/7/23 — Liuxuanfang Li — recording
10/28/23 — Oda Voltersvik — 3:00 pm, Grand Center for Arts & Culture, 210 N Minnesota St, New Ulm, MN 56073, USA
10/28/23 — Tracy Wong — 5:30 pm, Santa Clara University, 500 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, CA 95053
10/24/23 — Oda Voltersvik — 7:30 pm, Minot State University, 500 University Ave W, Minot, ND 58707, USA
10/22/23 — ILonka Rus — 7:00 pm, Sam Houston State University, 1905 University Ave, Huntsville, TX 77340, USA
10/18/23 — Chenny Gan — 10:00 am, Wesleyan College, 4760 Forsyth Rd, Macon, GA 31210, USA
10/13/23 — Oda Voltersvik — 12:00 pm, University of Wisconsin, 410 S. 3rd Street, River Falls WI 54022, USA
10/12/23 — Chenny Gan — 7:30 pm, Georgia Southern University, 11935 Abercorn Street, Savannah, GA 31419, USA
10/7/23 — Yerin Kim — 2:00 pm, Central Washington University, 400 E. University Way, Ellensburg, WA 98926, USA
9/29/23 — Marian Ayala — 8:00 pm, Madrid Royal Conservatory, C. de Sta. Isabel, 53, 28012 Madrid, Spain
9/24/23 — Irene Cantos — 7:30 pm, Fundación Eutherpe, C/ Cardenal Landázuri, 6, 24003 León, Spain
9/12/23 — Ana Habruk — 8:00 pm, MPS Studio, Richthofenstrasse 1/1, 78048 VS-Villingen, Germany
9/8/23 — Francesca Khalifa — 8:00 pm, OldFirstConcerts,1751 Sacramento Street, SF, CA 94109, USA
8/20/23 — Nurry Lee — 7:30 pm — The Banqueting Hall @ The Guildhall, High St, Bath BA1 5AW, United Kingdom
8/18/23 — Yang Wang — 7:00 pm, Jincheng Grand Theatre, No.74 Dazhong Market, Chengguan District, Lanzhou 730030, China
8/16/23 — Milica Lawrence — 7:00 pm, Malta Society of Arts, 219 Republic St, Valletta, Malta
8/6/23 — Chiara Schmidt — 3:00 pm, Loc. Badia a Coltibuono 53013 Gaiole in Chianti, SI, Italy
8/5/23 — Chiara Schmidt — 6:00 pm, Loc. Colle al Matrichese, 53024 Montalcino SI, Italy
8/2/23 — Chiara Schmidt — 6:00 pm, Ehrbar Saal, Mühlgasse 30,1040, Vienna, Austria
7/30/23 — Élise Richard — 8:00 pm, Chiesa di Santo Spirito, Via del Parione, 15, 06123 Perugia PG, Italy
7/29/23 — Cristina Cavalli — recording
7/22/23 — Élise Richard — 8:30 pm, San Giacomo Spazio d’Arte, Vicolo S. Giacomo, 35020 Albignasego PD, Italy
7/6/23 — Chenny Gan — 8:00 pm, k1 Kultur- und Veranstaltungszentrum, Munastraße 1, 83301 Traunreut, Germany
6/28/23 — Élise Richard — 7:30 pm, Église catholique Notre-Dame-des-Sept-Douleurs, 4155 Wellington St, Verdun, Quebec H4G 1V8, Canada
6/25/23 — Daria Ionkina — recording
6/4/23 — Jeremi Łukanus — 4:00 pm, Teatr Zdrojowy im. Fryderyka Chopina, ul. Zielona 7, 57-340 Duszniki-Zdrój, Poland
5/31/23 — Eunsu Kim — 7:30 pm, Kumuda Hall, 429 Suyeong-ro, Suyeong-gu, Busan, South Korea
5/28/23 — Zhanar Suleimanova — 6:30 pm, Chamber Music Hall, Kazakh State Philharmonic Society, Kaldayakov str., 35., Almaty, Kazakhstan
5/27/23 — Runzhi Deng — 7:00 pm, Steinway Recital Hall, 1st Floor, No.126, Qing Yang District, Ren Min South Road Sec 1, Chengdu City, Sichuan, China
5/27/23 — Francesca Khalifa — 6:30 pm, Greenwich House, 27 Barrow St, New York, NY 10014, USA
5/15/23 — Sarah Lee — recording
5/6/23 — Colleen Adent — 7:30 pm, Lincoln Hall Room 75, 1620 SW Park Ave Portland OR, USA
5/4/23 — Elena Popa — 6:00 pm, Casa de Cultură a Municipiului Timișoara, Strada Miron Costin, Nr. 2, Timisoara, Romania
4/26/23 — Evelyn Hilschmann — 7:45 pm, Clavier Salon Göttingen, Stumpfebiel 4, 37073 Göttingen, Germany
4/26/23 — Elena Popa — 7:00 pm, Escape Underground Hub, Gheorghe Lazar 26, Timisoara, Romania
4/23/23 — Evelyn Hilschmann — 6:00 pm, Ordensteinsaal des Badischen Konservatoriums, Kaiserallee 11 76133 Karlsruhe, Germany
4/16/23 — Minyoung Rho — 3:00 pm, Faith Presbyterian Church, 2200 N Meridian Rd, Tallahassee, FL 32303, USA — recording
4/11/23 — Ines Tuttolomondo — recording
4/7/23 — Alexandra Vizman — 7:00 pm, Palais des festivités d'Evian. Place Charles Cottet 74500 Évian-les-Bains, France
3/25/23 — Thannapas Luanpitpong — 5:30 pm, Recital Hall, The Tianjin Juilliard School, 2946 Xinhua Road, Binhai, Tianjin, 300450, China
3/4/23 — Jorge Luis Navarro Delgadillo — 8:00 pm, Clementina room, Garibaldi #770, Artisan Colony, Guadalajara, JAL, Mexico
1/28/23 — Iris Choi — recording
1/19/23 — Vasilisa Bogorodskaya — 7:00 pm, Vernadsky State Geological Museum, Mokhovaya St, 11, стр. 11, Moscow, Russia, 125009
1/3/23 — Annie Ziyao Huang — recording
12/15/22 — Vasilisa Bogorodskaya — 7:00 pm, Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory, Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street, 13/6, Moscow, Russia
12/10/22 — Natalia Tkachenko — 7:30 pm, St. Paul United Methodist Church1400 G Street, Woodbridge, VA, 22191, USA
12/8/22 — Wangling Huang — 8:00 pm, Mikowsky Hall, Manhattan School of Music, 120 Claremont Ave, New York, NY, 10027, USA
11/23/22 — Sherri Lun — 1:10pm, New Malden United Reformed Church, Malden Rd, New Malden, United Kingdom
11/19/22 — Aline Boyd — 1:00 pm, Village United Methodist Church, 2501 W Britton Rd, Oklahoma City, OK 73120, USA
11/19/22 — Marian Ayala — recording
11/19/22 — Joshua Han — recording
11/12/22 — Meiling Fang — recording
11/6/22 — Paul J. Dab — 3:00pm, Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, 1300 Fifth Ave., Belmont, CA 94002, USA
11/5/22 — Minyoung Rho — 7:30pm, at Longmire Recital Hall, 222 S. Copeland St, Tallahassee, FL, USA
11/5/22 — Paul J. Dab — 7:30pm, Lakeside Presbyterian Church, 201 Eucalyptus Dr., San Francisco, CA 94132, USA
10/30/22 — Beyza Yazgan — 5:30 pm, Blue Gallery, The Blue Building, 222 E 46th St, New York, NY 10017, USA
10/19/22 — Kwan Yee Lim — recording
10/9/22 — Alexandra Vizman — 5:00 pm, Centre Le Phénix, Rue des Alpes 7 CH-1700 Fribourg , Switzerland
10/8/22 — Alexandra Vizman — 7:30 pm, Les Ateliers De La Côte, Rte de Pallatex 5, 1163 Etoy, Switzerland
10/2/22 — Giacomo di Tollo — 6:00 pm, Sint-Bavokerk, Geraardsbergsesteenweg 137, Gontrode, Belgium
9/25/22 — Vasilisa Bogorodskaya — 5:00 pm, Concert Hall of the House of Writers, Vesyolaya Street, 23, Tarusa, Russia
9/23/22 — Pablo Marquine — 8:00 pm, Casa Thomas Jefferson, 9/2Via W5 Sul SEPS 706/906, Via W5 Sul - Asa Sul, Brasília, Brazil (streaming here)
9/2/22 — Tutu Aydınoğlu — 7:30 pm, Museum of the Macedonian Struggle, “11. Mart” Str. 1, 1000 Skopje, North Macedonia
8/9/22 — Giacomo di Tollo — Hasdrubal Thalassa, Zone touristique Midoun B.P. N° 82 Djerba, 4116, Tunisia
8/9/22 — Ke Wang — recording
8/3/22 — Anna Pavlova — 6:30 pm, Palais Ehrbar, Mühlgasse 28, 1040 Wien, Austria
8/1/22 — Pam Goldberg — recording
7/28/22 — Elena Nezhdanova — 6:30 pm, Interlochen Center for the Arts, 4000 J Maddy PKWY, Interlochen, MI 49643, USA — recording
7/13/22 — Po Sim Fanny Head — recording
7/2/22 — Nihan Ulutan — recording
6/14/22 — Elena Popa — 7:00 pm, "Mihai Perian" Concert Hall, Colegiul Național de Artă „Ion Vidu,” Strada Cluj nr.12, Timișoara 300576, Romania
6/9/22 — Ilgın Uysal — 1:30 pm, Kütahya Health Sciences University, Civli, Dumlupınar Ünv. Merkez Yerleşkesi, 43100 Kütahya Merkez/Kütahya, Turkey
5/13/22 — Brian Field — 7:00 pm, Plymouth Rock Historical Site, 79 Water St, Plymouth, MA 02360, USA
5/4/22 — Brian Field — 12:30 pm, Myre-Big Island State Park, 19499 780th Ave, Albert Lea, MN 56007 USA
5/5/22 — Brian Field — 11:00 am, Willow River State Park, 1034 Co Hwy A, Hudson, WI 54016, USA
5/9/22 — Ivan Stojanov — 6:00 pm, Piano Day Skopje, DMBUC "Ilija Nikolovski-Luj" Crvena Skopska Opstina, Skopje 1000, North Macedonia
5/10/22 — Brian Field — 10:00 am, Keʻehi Lagoon Beach Park, 465 Lagoon Dr, Honolulu, HI 96819, USA
5/11/22 — Brian Field — 6:00 pm, Bayfront Park, 2-198;1-99 Old Bayshore Hwy, Millbrae, CA 94030, USA
5/12/22 — Brian Field — 8:00 am, Massport Harborwalk Park, Boston, MA, USA
4/30/22 — Kay Kyung Eun Kim — 7:00 pm (Seoul) Steinway Piano Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
4/23/22 — Ann DuHamel — 12:00 pm University of Minnesota Morris 600 East 4th Street Morris, MN, 56267, USA
4/2/22 — Sofya Grischyova — recording
3/28/22 — Ivan Stojanov — recording
3/16/22 — Haley Myles — 7:00 pm (CT) PianoForte, 1335 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL, USA
3/18/22 — Haley Myles — 7:00 pm (CT) Church of the Western Reserve, 30500 Fairmount Blvd, Cleveland, OH, USA
2/22/22 — FangFang Shi — recording
Artists of Change