Shidi Wang

大家好,我的名字是王诗迪。我学习钢琴已经很多年了,慢慢地成为我生活中必不可少的一部分,每当我消沉的时候,音乐对我来说是最好的治愈。我热爱古典音乐也希望在未来可以进行更深层次的学习。很荣幸参加了关于这次音乐环保项目的活动。这首由美国作曲家布莱恩所写的钢琴独奏套曲共分三个乐章主要表达了人类对于饱受折磨的星球的热情,。在这里,我希望通过音乐来呼吁大家意识到气候危机,飓风 全球变暖等严重问题。让我们携手共创可持续发展的家园。

My name is Shidi Wang and I have been learning piano for many years and it has become an indispensable part of my life.  When I feel depressed, music is the best healing for me. 

I love classical music and hope to study it at a deeper level in the future. It’s my honor to participate in this this project supporting our environment. This piano solo suite written by the American composer Brian is divided into three movements and mainly expresses humankind's passion for the tortured planet. Here, I hope to use music to call everyone to be aware of serious issues such as the climate crisis, hurricanes and global warming. Let us work together to create a sustainable home.


Kexin Wang


Yang Wang